Emilia Clarke Weight Loss Journey: How She Lost 20 Pounds

Dr. Aqsa Naim

Emilia Clarke Weight Loss

Emilia Clarke Weight Loss: Emilia Clarke cemented herself as a globally recognized star through her seven seasons playing the iconic Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones. But behind the scenes, Clarke faced devastating health struggles that prompted her to prioritize her wellbeing. By opening up about her weight loss motivation and process, Clarke empowers others on their self-care journeys.

Who is Emilia Clarke?

Who is Emilia Clarke

Emilia Clarke is an acclaimed English actress best known for her iconic portrayal of Daenerys Targaryen on the global phenomenon TV series Game of Thrones. Born in London in 1986, Clarke trained at the prestigious Drama Centre London before landing her career-defining role as the Mother of Dragons in 2011.

Her powerful performance as the Khaleesi who evolves from exiled princess to fierce warrior queen catapulted Clarke to worldwide fame. She garnered numerous award nominations for the role that she played for all 8 seasons.

Beyond Game of Thrones, Clarke has also starred as Sarah Connor in Terminator Genisys, Qi’ra in Solo: A Star Wars Story, and Louisa Clark in romantic dramas Me Before You and Last Christmas.

In 2019, Clarke revealed she had suffered two life-threatening aneurysms that required urgent brain surgeries in 2011 and 2013 while filming GoT. After recovering, she founded a charity to support those recovering from stroke and brain injuries.

Now in her mid-30s, Clarke continues to shine on screen while using her platform to advocate for increased healthcare access. She has been praised for her talent, resilience, down-to-earth charm, and inspiring journey in overcoming health challenges.

Emilia Clarke Personal Information

Full NameEmilia Clarke
Date of Birth1986
AgeIn her mid-30s
Best Known ForDaenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones
Husband/BoyfriendsVarious relationships in the past
Net WorthEstimated around $13 million
Height5 feet 2 inches
WeightAround 120 pounds

Motivation for Weight Loss

In 2019, Clarke revealed she previously suffered two debilitating brain aneurysms that required life-saving surgery. Though thankful to be alive, the recovery process was grueling and took a massive physical and emotional toll.

Doctors cautioned Clarke that reducing stress and improving diet were critical to protect her health going forward. Clarke found motivation in self-preservation – losing excess weight would aid in her healing. Beyond the medical necessities, Clarke also hoped to reduce body image pressure and feel confident in her skin again.

Starting Point and Weight

At 5’2”, Clarke was reportedly around 137 pounds at her heaviest while filming Game of Thrones’ early seasons. The demands of frantic shooting schedules and stress led to weight gain.

After her health scares, Clarke committed to losing almost 20 pounds to return to a place of vibrancy. Her starting weight served as a benchmark, not a shame trigger. Clarke focused on releasing what no longer served her rather than achieving a certain number.

Setting Clear Goals

Clarke defined her transformation goals not by weight, but by tangible wellness targets:

  • Healing her mind and body from past trauma
  • Boosting natural energy levels
  • Reducing inflammation and migraines
  • Strengthening her immune system
  • Developing sustainable self-care tools for thriving long-term

By shifting from aesthetic to wellness-centered goals, Clarke adopted a holistic perspective.

Dietary Changes

To nourish her body, Clarke amped up fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats. She worked with nutritionists to find a meal plan that catered to her needs.

Clarke focused on consuming anti-inflammatory foods rich in antioxidants and fiber. She also limited wheat, dairy, and sugar to determine if they triggered migraines. Staying hydrated with water became essential too.

Meal Plans and Nutritional Guidance

Each day, Clarke aimed for balanced nutrition:

  • Breakfast: Eggs or oatmeal with fruit
  • Lunch: Salads with veggies, protein, and plant fats
  • Snacks: Hummus, nuts, fresh juices
  • Dinner: Grilled chicken or fish with veggies and brown rice

No more skipping meals occurred. Nutritionists also advised supplements like fish oil and vitamin D to fill any gaps. Simple swaps like herbal tea instead of coffee further propelled Clarke’s goals.

Exercise Routine

While rest was crucial initially, the movement became integral for Clarke’s recovery. Her exercise routine balanced challenging yet safe activities.

She incorporated:

  • Lower-impact activities like walking, swimming, yoga
  • Light strength training with resistance bands
  • Dance classes for joyful movement
  • Stretching to increase flexibility and circulation

Keeping workouts adaptable allowed Clarke to adjust as needed based on health. But she strived for regular exercise to boost immunity.

Workouts and Fitness Regimen

Clarke’s sample weekly fitness regimen reveals her balanced approach:

  • Monday: Power yoga class
  • Tuesday: 3-mile walk
  • Wednesday: Lap swimming
  • Thursday: Dance choreography lesson
  • Friday: Resistance band workout routine
  • Saturday: Rest day
  • Sunday: 5-mile hike

This mix of activities kept Clarke engaged without overexertion. Her workouts also incorporated mindfulness techniques. Above all, she listened to her body’s needs day-to-day.

Challenges and Obstacles

Clarke faced both physical and emotional hurdles on her path to wellness. Recovery from multiple major surgeries was slow and frustrating at times. Some days, just getting out of bed felt like a triumph.

Learning to release past traumas, forgive herself, and manage anxiety was an enormous mental challenge. But Clarke found inspiration in focusing on how far she’d come.

Plateaus and How She Overcame Them

When Clarke hit plateaus in her progress, she resisted getting discouraged. Instead of giving up, she adapted her approach:

  • Increasing workout duration by 5-10 minutes
  • Adding new healing foods into her diet
  • Practicing extra self-care during stressful times
  • Re-evaluating goals and timeline to reduce pressure

With adjustments and self-compassion, Clarke broke through barriers.

Role of Professional Guidance

Given the complexity of Clarke’s health history, seeking professional support was essential. Her medical team helped tailor her diet, exercise, and lifestyle plan for optimal recovery. Therapists also aided her mental health.

With compassionate experts monitoring her vitals and needs, Clarke could proceed safely in reclaiming her vitality. She emphasizes the importance of asking for help when needed.

Emotional and Mental Shifts

Clarke embraced several mental outlooks that elevated her transformation:

  • Finding the joy in small wellness actions over rapid results
  • Quieting her inner critic and negative self-talk
  • Viewing “mistakes” as opportunities for self-discovery
  • Allowing herself grace and patience in the process

By nurturing inner peace and resilience, Clarke’s journey became as much about self-love as physical health.

Support System

Clarke’s loved ones, including partner Charlie McDowell, supported her healing journey. Having cheerleaders celebrating each milestone kept her spirits lifted.

Fans around the world also showered Clarke with encouragement. Their inspiring words reminded her she was never alone. Clarke pays that support forward by being transparent about self-care.

Transitioning and Acceptance

As Clarke regained strength and slimmed down closer to 120 pounds, she found greater self-acceptance. Her definition of health evolved from the number on a scale to how she felt daily.

Clarke embraced the ups and downs, knowing she was right where she needed to be. With compassion as her guide, she transitioned into the most vibrant chapter of her life yet.


Emilia Clarke Before

Emilia Clarke Before

Emilia Clarke After

Emilia Clarke After

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some common questions about Emilia Clarke’s weight loss journey:

How much weight did Emilia Clarke lose?

Reports estimate Clarke lost 15-20 pounds to return to around 120 pounds on her 5’2 frame.

What prompted Emilia Clarke’s weight loss?

Serious health scares motivated her to get fitter by improving her diet, exercise,ing and reducing stress.

What was Emilia Clarke’s diet?

Nutrient-dense whole foods like vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbs. Limited wheat, dairy, and sugars.

What was Emilia Clarke’s workout routine?

Walking, swimming, light strength training, yoga, dance. She focused on gentle, therapeutic movement.

How long did Emilia Clarke’s weight loss take?

Clarke’s journey took over a year as she built up endurance and adjusted her approach. There was no quick fix.


Emilia Clarke weight loss journey provides hope to anyone seeking better well-being. By bravely taking charge of her self-care after trauma, she gained resilience and joy. Clarke inspires us to define success on our own terms, not society’s. With compassion as our fuel, we too can transform our lives through holistic balance.

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