Delta Burke Weight Loss Transformation at 67

Dr. Aqsa Naim

Throughout Delta Burke acting career, She endured intense public scrutiny over her changing weight and body image. During her rise to fame in Designing Women, Burke developed unhealthy eating habits and saw her weight climb to over 200 pounds. In the decades that followed, she faced further weight gain and fluctuating sizes. However, after being diagnosed with diabetes in her late 50s, Burke realized it was time to transform her lifestyle and reclaim her health. Committing to regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and reducing stress, Burke lost an estimated 70-80 pounds over several years. Now, the Designing Women icon has never looked or felt better.

While Burke is thrilled with her slimmed down figure, she stresses that true success stems from self-acceptance, not a number on the scale. Her weight loss required tremendous perseverance through ups and downs. By opening up about her struggles candidly, Burke hopes to empower others facing similar health battles. She inspires fans to focus on overall wellbeing, and consistency, and realizing lasting change takes time. Burke proves it’s never too late to adopt healthier habits and start fresh. Through determination and resilience, her transformation in her 60s reveals the beauty that comes from within.

Who is Delta Burke?

Delta Burke is an American actress, producer, and author best known for her breakout role playing Suzanne Sugarbaker on the sitcom Designing Women from 1986-1991. Born in Orlando, Florida in 1956, Burke had a performing arts upbringing participating in cheerleading and school plays. She went on to win the Miss Florida title in 1974 and place as a top 10 finalist in the Miss America pageant.

Burke began her acting career in the 1970s with small roles before landing her star-making part on Designing Women. The hit CBS show earned her two Emmy nominations. She met her future husband, actor Gerald McRaney, during her time on the show. Afterward, Burke continued acting in TV films and series and launched the clothing company Delta Burke Design.

Throughout Burke’s career, her weight fluctuations became frequent tabloid fodder. Diagnosed with depression and type 2 diabetes, Burke committed to healthier habits and lost 70 pounds in her late 50s. Now 66, she balances acting with running her clothing empire designed for women of all sizes.

Burke has an estimated net worth of $8 million. She resides in Los Angeles with her husband McRaney. Though she never had children, Burke remains close to her extended family. Known for her vivacious personality and southern charm, Burke’s resilience and transparency continue inspiring fans.

Delta Burke Weight Loss Transformation

Delta Burke has lived much of her life in the spotlight, endearing fans with her vivacious personality and magnetic talent. But like many women, Burke has also faced scrutiny about her changing weight over the years. Now at age 67, the Designing Women star has revealed a stunning physical transformation through committing to healthier habits. By opening up about her struggles and resilience, Burke’s wellness journey inspires women to practice self-care at any age.


Burke was motivated to lose weight after being diagnosed with diabetes in her late 50s. She wanted to improve her health and manage symptoms through sustainable lifestyle changes. The diagnosis gave her the urgency to commit to transforming her habits long-term.

Initial Weight

At her heaviest, while filming Designing Women, Burke weighed around 215 pounds. Years later after her acting roles slowed down, she reached 220 pounds before deciding to overhaul her health. This was the turning point that led Burke to put in the hard work.

Diet and Nutrition

Burke adopted a Mediterranean style diet rich in vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats and whole grains. She limited processed foods and refined sugar. Sticking to nutritious, balanced home cooking was essential to Burke’s weight loss success. Meal prepping helped her stay on track.

Exercise and Workouts

Burke added regular cardio like swimming to increase calorie burn. She also incorporated strength training to build metabolism-boosting muscle. Burke’s workouts focused on managing her conditions and improving stamina. Mixing up activities prevented boredom.

Challenges and Obstacles

Burke faced roadblocks like chronic conditions, career stress, depression and yo-yo dieting patterns. But she persevered through setbacks by being kind to herself and focusing on overall wellness. Burke didn’t let slip ups derail her.

Time Frame

Burke’s weight loss transformation took several years starting in her late 50s and continuing through her 60s. It’s been an ongoing journey rather than a quick fix. Burke knew lasting results required patience and consistency over time.

Before and After Photos

Photos depict Burke’s remarkable physical transformation after losing 70-80 pounds. Her slimmed face and figure showcase the incredible results she achieved through her commitment. Burke hoped to inspire others facing similar struggles.

Before and After Photos

Lifestyle Changes

Burke began prioritizing sleep, reducing anxiety, cooking at home more and staying accountable with her workouts for sustainable change. She focused less on her weight and more on how she felt. These holistic changes improved her quality of life.

Support System

Burke credits her husband Gerald McRaney as a constant source of encouragement through every high and low. Knowing her loved ones had her back gave Burke the strength to continue when she felt like giving up.

Mental and Emotional Shifts

Burke focused less on quick results and more on self-love. She practiced patience and resiliency when facing challenges. Her outlook became centered on fulfillment and self-care rather than meeting societal standards.

Professional Guidance

Doctors assisted Burke in creating a customized weight loss plan addressing her health conditions and goals. Having experts monitor her progress and vitals ensured Burke could lose weight safely.

Impact on Career

Slimming down has possibly opened up new acting roles for Burke portraying more versatile characters. Maintaining her health also gives her the energy to continue thriving in Hollywood.

Advice and Inspiration

Burke inspires others to stay consistent, believe in themselves, embrace who they are, and realize lasting change takes time. She urges people to focus on overall well-being, not just weight.

The Making of an Icon

Burke’s larger-than-life persona catapulted her to fame playing Suzanne Sugarbaker on Designing Women from 1986 to 1991. Lauded for her comedic timing and charm, Burke won an Emmy for her performance and became a pop culture icon. She also met her future husband, actor Gerald McRaney, during her time on the show.

After Designing Women, Burke continued acting in television films and series. She also became an author and producer. From Hollywood to her Mississippi upbringing, Burke’s southern flair and tenacity made her a beloved household name.

Behind the Scenes Health Struggles

While professionally thriving, Burke privately battled several health conditions over the years. She was diagnosed with depression and struggled with disordered eating patterns. Fluctuations in her weight frequently made headlines. “I lost and gained so much that people were crass about it,” shared Burke.

Burke was later diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as well as thyroid issues, causing her weight to yo-yo despite dieting attempts. She became insulin resistant, which disrupted hormone levels and metabolism. Her conditions were further exacerbated by demanding work schedules and stressful environments.

Turning Point – Choosing Wellness

In her late 50s, Burke realized she needed to regain control of her health. Having diabetes gave her the push to commit to lifestyle changes. She cleaned up her diet, started exercising, and worked on reducing stress. Her husband proved an invaluable support system throughout.

Burke also underwent gastric sleeve bariatric surgery to reduce stomach capacity. While not an easy fix, it helped kickstart her journey. “It’s a psychological battle,” said Burke of the ups and downs. But her trademark perseverance carried her through.

A Refreshing Perspective on Self-Love

While Burke was thrilled with her slimmer figure, she cautioned against focusing only on weight as the determining factor of health or happiness. “It’s about how you feel. I want to be the healthiest I can be,” she shared.

For Burke, real success meant learning to release bitterness, improve her mood and have the energy to fully participate in life. Her outlook centered around self-acceptance and fulfillment over conforming to external standards.

Burke also reminded fans that progress requires patience and compassion. By being transparent about her path rather than sugarcoating the struggle, she aimed to uplift others tackling tough wellness journeys.

Weight Loss Results and Routine

Burke’s determination paid off beautifully. She lost an estimated 70-80 pounds through improved nutrition and regular cardio and strength training exercises. Though Burke largely stays private about numbers on a scale, the transformation in her face and figure are noticeable.

For nutrition, she followed a Mediterranean style diet rich in healthy fats, lean proteins, and vegetables. Her workouts included activities like swimming to stay active without strain. Burke emphasized consistency and sustainable habits over extreme restriction.

Life and Career Now at 67

Now in her 60s, Burke maintains her slimmer physique through continuity with the healthy regimen she adopted. She indulges in moderation by saving sweets and wine for occasional treats. Finding joy in the journey, rather than fixating on hardships, remains her secret for staying the course.

Professionally, Burke made a beloved return to Designing Women with costars Jean Smart and Annie Potts for a 2021 charity table read. She also continues acting, with recent roles in shows like Daytime Divas.

Burke keeps busy running her clothing company Delta Burke Design. She designs comfortable, stylish apparel in sizes 0-30 for women of all figures. Sharing her learned wisdom, Burke wants all women to feel confident and beautiful in their skin.

The Value of Sharing Her Story

By opening up authentically about her longtime health and weight struggles, Burke lends comfort and courage to the millions facing similar battles. Her journey reveals that transformation is within reach through sustainable adjustments and self-compassion.

While losing 70 pounds in her 60s, Burke gained something even more valuable – the peace and joy of optimizing her well-being on her own terms. Her perseverance through adversity shows that a fresh chapter and vigorous spirit can start at any age.

Burke hopes her hard-won experience helps shift the emphasis from impossible ideals to simply becoming our healthiest, happiest selves. Through her inspiring transparency, she reminds us all that the most beautiful radiance starts from within.

FAQs About Delta Burke’s Weight Loss Journey

How much weight did Delta Burke lose?

Burke lost an estimated 70-80 pounds in her early 60s through bariatric surgery, diet changes, and adopting a consistent exercise routine.

What motivated Delta Burke to lose weight?

Burke wanted to regain control of her health after being diagnosed with diabetes. Losing excess weight would help manage symptoms.

What was Delta Burke’s diet and exercise routine?

She followed a Mediterranean diet low in processed foods but high in lean proteins, vegetables and healthy fats. Her workout routine included swimming and strength training.

Did Delta Burke have bariatric surgery?

Yes, she underwent gastric sleeve surgery to reduce stomach size and jumpstart her weight loss. But surgery alone did not cause her transformation.

How long did Delta Burke’s weight loss journey take?

Burke lost weight steadily over the course of a few years in her late 50s and into her 60s. Her improved health is still ongoing.

How has Delta Burke maintained her weight loss?

She credits consistency with healthy habits and not viewing slip-ups as failures. Her focus stays on overall wellbeing rather than getting fixated on numbers.


Delta Burke’s hard-won journey to wellness and self-love in her 60s proves it’s truly never too late to transform your health. Despite facing intense public scrutiny over her weight for decades, Burke drew resilience from within to commit to life-changing habits like better nutrition, regular activity, and reducing stress. While losing 20 pounds took perseverance through ups and downs, Burke gained far more than a slimmer figure.

By boldly sharing her story, she empowered women everywhere to embrace their bodies and focus on fulfillment over impossible ideals. Burke emerged stronger, happier, and more vibrant than ever by putting her health first. She will continue inspiring others with her message that the path to our best selves is one of compassion, consistency, and belief in our limitless potential to grow at any age.

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